I consistently get emails and letters from fans of Sally Field, the actress best know for The Flying Nun, now starring in some TV hoo-haw. These emails arrive in the inbox, and always blow me away because of their sincerity.
I thought I'd include a few here, for people to check out. Take note that when people email me / Sally Field, they include their full names, email addresses, home addresses, phone numbers and in one case fax number. I have blanked all that stuff out, but I thought it was worth noting to show how open these people are (to a perfect stranger, and as it turns out, not even the one they thought):
From "Robyn":
Hey Sally,
I think you are the greatest female actor in the world. I’m 37 year old mum with 2 girls, I love you & I’m so glad to see you back on TV. Your kids are so gorgeous, you should be proud, you know I just wanted to tell you, I admire you so much that you a great person you are gorgeous BE PROUD YOU ARE ONE IN A MILLION. GO GIRL
From "William":
You are amazingly inspirational for us all. You are a true treasure in the fortunes of time. With the world in all its broken dreams and drudgery you are a beacon to show it is still a beautiful world. If I ever make it in the entertainment industry it will be a pleasure to meet you someday. If not this is just a chance to say Thank-you. 555-555-5555 2911 Blank Blank Harbor Florida 55555
From "Bill":
Dear Sally, I am an old 85 year old fan and I have never tried to contact a movie star before, but I just wanted you to know that you are the best. You put your heart and soul into your part. My wife, Mary and me never go to movies many more, she is deaf, but if on TV, in CC, we watch it. Mary and I have been married for over 61 years and are still in love. Our love to you, Bill and Mary.
Far be it from me to make fun of the sincerity and candour in these notes. I just wanted to post them, to give a bit of an inside view of what goes on at Sally / Urban Camouflage HQ. Between receiving these notes, writing hit songs, earning millions as a journalist, and my work as a part-time Air Traffic Controller, things are very busy for me here.
This reminds me so much of this time I smoked a touch of reefer with a fellow fan of the Beastie Boys while listening to their latest album, and then got verrrry excited about the idea of sending them an email to tell them how amAZing they are. Needless to say, we surfed around for an email address for a little while and then got distracted by something else.
"Sincerely", "Shandron" in Blank Blank London
PS-What about when people write to *you* to say dear sally, i know who you are and i like what you do!??
maybe that's it...maybe the 89 year-old dude who loves his wife is totally, toooootally high.
people who write to me about how much they like my music are unflinchingly blocked from any further comment. that's the ruthless journalistic standards in today's age.
uh, actually, i post their lovingness lovingly.
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