Monday, February 26, 2007

Circuit Bent Casio

I realize it has been about three weeks since I last posted, but I've been busier than I expected I'd be. I will endeavor to have more posts up more frequently in the coming weeks. Of course, you can always click the "Midnight Poutine" link at right to get your weekly fill of my unique brand of the lowest-form-of-humour.

Part of what has been keeping me busy is a recently re-acquired keyboard. I've had this Casio SK-1 kicking around for many years, but about a year ago I gave it to circuit genius David Smith to re-work. The idea of "circuit bending" is to create short-circuits inside the keyboard that result in unpredictable (often non-repeatable) sounds. The SK-1 happens to be particularly suited to these modifications as it was one of the first sampling keyboards made, and has this strange one-key-play function, which allows you record a phrase and play it back bit by bit with a single button.

I'll figure out a way to post some of the short pieces I've made with the modded Casio, but I thought that I'd post some images of it, just to explain my absence and also, you know, make people jealous. I'll be using it in a few upcoming projects, but right now am simply trying to figure out what happens when I plug cables into various touch-points. The variations are very nearly endless. Which, for a guy with very limited skillz, makes for a very steep learning curve and gobs of post-it notes. Stay (altered) tuned...

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